SRC CUP Repair


Hello, I’m Charles from Switzerland and I’m here to tell you that Carlos Casas from SRC is a Legend! Hear me out, when lighting struck my home my SRC CUP button box shorted out and stopped working. I contacted SRC and Carlos immediately got in contact.

Different solutions were promptly suggested in order to repair the CUP and each of these solutions were chosen with an effort to make them as cost efficient as possible.

After paying what I consider a very fair price I quickly received a package containing all the pieces needed for the repair. Every thing worked flawlessly but that was to be expected, through our mail conversations I had a feeling Carlos was not going to let me down. What I wasn’t expecting was that for the price he sent me an upgraded and more recent version with the seven way toggle switch as well as new coloured caps for the buttons, a USB joiner, a USB extension cable and clear instructions.

The button box is awesome, SRC makes quality and Sir Carlos Casas has got your back!

Thanks a lot!

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